Welcome at the National Quantum Tiq Taq Toe Tournament ’24

Tournament Planning

Welcome to the National Quantum Tiq Taq Toe Tournament 2024! We’re glad you’re thinking of participating.

Are you ready to compete in the well-known game Tic-Tac-Toe? How about a Tic-Tac-Toe with quantum physics! You’ll learn quantum concepts by playing a fun game and can test your skills against other competitors playing from several hubs in the Netherlands.

Curious how to play your best? Then be sure to first follow the tutorial for the game at tiqtaqtoe.com/tutorial. Here, both classical Tic Tac Toe and Quantum Tiq Taq Toe, with superposition and entanglement, are explained.

Round 1 on Tuesday, 11th of June: Level 1

Via several hubs in the Netherlands, the (online) tournament starts. In this round, the minimal Quantumness  (level 1) mode of the game is played. Be sure to sign in to the correct ladder, as you will compete against players from your own hub. Challenge everyone (or as many as you like) within your hub to increase your chances of getting to the top! This round closes at 17:00. At 19:00, you will be notified if you continue in the competition.

Round 2 on Wednesday, 12th of June: Level 2

8 players will continue and play an online tournament consisting of three rounds: between 9:00-12:00, 12:30-15:30, and 16:00-17:00. The winner of each round will advance to the next round. Both contestants must find a mutually convenient time within these 3-hour windows to challenge each other in intermediate Quantumness mode of the game. The finalists will be revealed at 18:00 and will compete in the finals the next day!

Round 3 on Thursday, 13th of June: Level 2

Finals!!! All finalists games will be livestreamed at Nodes of One Network in Amsterdam. At the end the winner will go home with a Coolblue giftcard of €500.